How to remove weed smell from your car quickly

How to Remove Cannabis Odors From Your Car

Let's say you don't want to smoke your weed inside your home because you don't want your house smelling like that, your roommates can't stand the smell, or you're renting an apartment and can't risk getting evicted. If any of these scenarios rein true to you, perhaps your go-to smoke spot is your car. For legal reasons, we know you're just going out to your car in the driveway, taking a few rips off the bong, then casually going back inside while acting as if nothing happened.

You're an expert stoner by now, but there's one problem your expertise hasn't been able to solve yet ... completely eliminating cannabis odors in your vehicle. Maybe you don't want that cute girl you've been flirting with to know you smoke, or your dad just called and said he needs to borrow your car tomorrow morning for work, and he sure as hell can't find out about your hobby.

Whatever the reason may be for you to need to remove those pot odors in a pinch, Chronic Wipeout has you covered. This powerful, non-toxic, natural, enzyme-free, safe cannabis odor eliminator is exactly what you need to use when your car has to be free from any evidence of a smoke session.

Chronic Wipeout is powered by OAM Technology, which means that smoke odors or any other lingering odors in your car will be absorbed and eliminated upon immediate contact.

How to eliminate cannabis smoke odors from your car

Chronic Wipeout is safe for repeated use day after day. It will not harm any finishes inside your car; leather, polyester, nylon, and more! Don't be afraid to spray the sh!t out of your seats, carpets, ceiling, armrests, dashboard, trunk, and more. If you're paranoid about someone smelling your weed-mobile, or you don't want to be known as the guy with the car that smells like a dispensary, Chronic Wipeout has you covered from the front seats to the trunk.

Check out all the bundles and fragrances we have to offer by clicking here!

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